Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Parents just don't understand. They think what they are doing is always for our best interest but in reality its really not at all. They tell us not to do this or that or they won't let us do whatever it is that we ask to do becasue they think they know what's right and what's wrong for us. When they say "no" to what we want to do what's really happenening is they are making us have to sneak out or lie to them about what we are doing when in all truthfullness it would be better if they actually knew the truth about what we were doing in case something were to happen and they needed us or if they needed to get in touch with us. Its really pointless for them to tell us no becasuse one day we would eventually find a way to whatever it is that we wanted to do in the first place. It would make things so much easier on us and them if they would just let us do what we wanted whether it was good for us or bad. Because either way it would happen. And they cant completely lock us down in the house and keep us from doing anything at all. So all you parents, lighten up a little and let your teenagers have more freedom if they dont already.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

So much to do, so little time.

This week I have been soooooo busy! Our first game is this Friday and we have been working like CRAZY. Everyday after school we have been bustin our butts out on the field getting our dances cleaned up and making sure everything looks really good. I'm really excited about tomorrow night!!! Its finally here. Then everyday after practice I have met with two of my friends to make t-shirts to wear friday before the game. They are super cute! And the real thing keeping me so busy is being in high school and college doing work for both places is a lot. I'm enjoying it though.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Virginia Earthquake Takes Away Cell Services

Some cell netwroks stopped working!! The thing is: the cell networks weren’t really damaged by the shaking. The shaking didn’t bring down any towers or wires. But because the quake was felt so widely, from North Carolina to New England, it prompted millions of people to make cellphone calls at the same time. This stopped cell service for about half an hour. Thats so crazy! The earthquake was a 5.8 and thats pretty big espeacially since states felt it all down the easter coast. I bet that was a scary feeling. It would've been cool to feel it though, I think. Idk though, it'd be interesting.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Last, First Game

High school football is finally stating this Friday night. I am soooo excited! This is my senior year and my favorite sport to watch is definitely football. I love all the excitement and joy that comes from it. I'm the captain of our dance team and we dance at half time with band. It's such an adrenaline rush to be out there performing in front of so many fans cheering for you. We are known around out town for our dance team and our kickline. Its so much fun and I'm sad this will be my last year on it because I'm graduating in May 2012. I've had a blast on it the past three years and I know this year will be no different. I've made so many great memories by being on this team and it has made me enjoy football all that much more. Two years ago out team was the state 3 AAA champions and I got to perform at the dome and was on tv!! It was so awesome to have that experience and share it with so many of my best friends. So it all starts Friday night, my last first high school football game, tear... :( But I know this will be a memory I will never forget!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My First Blog

I'm making a blog page for the first time in my English 1101 class at Macon State. This should be fun!