Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving Break

My thanksgiving break was GREAT! I went down to Waycross, GA, where the majority of my family lives. All of my siblings and I stayed with my granparents for the week. We pretty much just hung out and chilled all week. My grandparents have a lot of land down there so we rode around on the 4 wheeler and found things to do around the house. On Thanksgiving day I ate wayyyyyy too much food. My mom's side of the family met at my aunt's house for lunch and we all sat down and ate and then some of the guys played football and eventually most of us layed down and took naps. While we were all laying down some of my cousins and my little brother went out to ride what we call the redneck sleigh which is a peice of plastic material hooked to the back of the 4 wheeler and we ride around on it. Well, my brother was riding on the sleigh and one of my cousins was driving a little too fast. My cousin turned too sharp and my brother flew off the back of it and eneded up breaking his collar bone. So he spent most of the evening in the ER. After all of that craziness, my family went to my dad's parents house and we had Thanksgiving dinner there. Needless to say I ate a lot of food on Thanksgiving day. My family is great and I love them to death!

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