Thursday, September 29, 2011

The future.

I look eagerly towards the future. It's so exciting to me to think about what is going to happen in my future, like who I'm going to marry and what job I will have. I just think, in 10 years I will have a career, a husband, and a family. That is crazy! You never know what will truly happen in the future but it gives me such joy thinking about what could possibly happen. There could be some rough times ahead but I know there will be some great times ahead. Even the future being as far as this weekend, I know this weekend is going to be fannnnnntastic! I'm going to a Luke Bryan concert and he is my all time favorite. Little things that happen in the future are what is most exciting and not knowing exactly what will happen makes it that much more intriguing! :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

If I could be an animal...

If I could be an animal I would choose to be a bird. Birds get to fly up so high and see all of the world below them. It would be an amazing experience to be able to do that for even just a day. They live up in trees and get to see so many different sites all in one day. There wouldn't be any traffic to get caught up into and nothing to worry about. We are free here in the United States but being a bird we would really be free to do anything and everything we wanted to. No one could stop it. The only thing is, I would not want to be a dove during dove season because I'd end up getting shot. That is the only draw back to being a bird. Overall, seeing things from a bird's eye view would be so very interesting.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Physical Punishment

In my opinion physical punishment is good for children in the form of a spanking. When a child physically feels pain from doingsomething wrong it makes them realize they shouldn't do that thing again or else they will have to suffer the consequences once again. This way gets it through their head that what they did is wrong and if they do it again then they will have to get another spanking and won't like that. On the other hand, parents should not go over board with physical punishment. They should spank hard enough to where the child feels the pain but not hard enough to leave a bruise or any other mark on them. It's not child abuse when you punish your child for wrong doings but it is child abuse when a parent chooses to hit or spank their child over nothing at all. That's how I feel about physical punishment for children.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why I wouldn't want to live in a large city

I've never lived in a large city and I never plan on doing so. I'm a small town girl from Byron and I plan on staying in a small town. Cities have too many people for me. They are so crowded and crazy. In great cities like New York City random people just come up to you wanting you to buy things and pish and shove you everywhere. It's be so easy to get lost and confused about where you are. The crime rate also is very very very high in cities, for rape and robery. I wouldn't want to be alone walking somewhere one night and get snatched off the street and no one would even notice. That would be ridiculous and scary! A small town is good for me. One where you know a lot of people around you and you always know whats going on in the town. I do want to move away from Byron but I still want to go to a place where I fit in, and where there is a lot of land I can own and do whatever I want on. Big cities definitely aren't for me.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

If I found out I only had a few more days to live...

If I recently found out I had only a few more days to live I would change a lot of things in my life. Like the song Tim McGraw sings, "Live like you were dying", I would tell everyone how much I truly loved them and how much they meant to me. I would travel to different places that I've always wanted to go to and do things that I never would have taken the risk to do before. I would go skydiving, to Italy and Australia, and I would visit all my family and friends that meant the most to me. I'd be nice to everyone I came in contact with and I would never have a dull moment. It would be nice to always live this way but when you think you've still got a long life in front of you, you let things bother you and you have a lot of stress. We should all just live like we were dying for a week and it would change our perspective on a lot of different things. There wouldn't be so much drama and heartache that went on. We would all have better times and we would wouldn't worry about anything because we would know we would soon be gone from this place and on to our eternity.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Georgia weather is completely ridiculous. It's only the beginning of September and it's kind of chilly outside already. Today is Tuesday and on Saturday it was really hot outside still. The weather here just changes in an instant no matter what seaason it is supposed to be. One day its 90 degrees and the next day it's 50 degrees, completely different.
In this classroom I freeze my butt off every single day. You'd think I would have learned by now to bring a jacket but I still never remember because I'm used to it being summer and it's starting to turn into fall. Most likely by next week it is going to feel like the middle of July again. Hot as blazes! You just can never tell here in Georgia.
Sometimes at Thanksgiving it's cold and then at Christmas its warm outside. That's just one example of our messed up climate in the lovely state of Georgia haha.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Everyday there is something new going on in our world. Whether it's a hurricane about to hit land or missionaries doing work in different countries. There's so much going on all the time that we dont know anything about at all. There are so many brilliant people in this world along with those that are pretty stupid as well. I mean really, why would you just want to kill thousands of people along with yourself? Like September 11th. I mean that makes no sense whatsoever. The 10th anniversary for 9/11 is coming up soon and it's still so tragic just thinking about it. But on the bright side there are people completely opposite of that who are coming up with new inventions and technololgy everyday making our world a lot lazier but helping make things a lot easier as well. It's crazy what happens in our world each and everyday.