Thursday, October 27, 2011


People who are on welfare in the U.S. are pretty much getting everything for free. They get by very easily and don't have to pay for much if anything at all. I think that they should have to have jobs to be eligible for welfare. It's not fair for people to live off of the government and not even try to get things on their own. Really these people are living off of other people's taxes that they have to pay. So if you're not working and at least trying to have money and neccessities for yourself then you should not get to feed off of other people's money. That's just not right. Personally I would feel bad if I was getting everything through the government and not trying to do things on my own. I understand if you don't have a great job and you're struggling then you should consider welfare but don't try to get welfare when you're a lazy person who doesn't give a rat's butt what's going on.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Things Life Teaches You

Experiences in life can teach you sooooo much. What happens in your life effects you in many ways. We all have good and bad experiences in our lives. Most of the time when we choos to do something,we aren't counting on it to teach us anything until afterwards when we realize it taught us a lot. This weekend I was taught a huge lesson for my life and I wasn't expecting it to happen at all.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


There are so many things that I am looking forward to in the near future and in the future years from now. I'm really looking forward to thanksgiving right now. I get a week off from school and on Thanksgiving day I get to eat way too much! I love food so that is one of my favorite holidays. Following thanksgiving is Christmas which I love a lot as well. Yes, of course I love the presents, but celebrating Jesus's birth is also a big part of Christmas in my family. Then, I'm looking forward to the new year and my senior prom follows shortly after that. Getting all dressed up for prom is so much fun and exciting for me. Finally, I'm excited for GRADUATION from high school. Wooooohooooo!! I am so excited to be done with high school finally. These are all exciting things coming in the near future and I can't wait!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Automobile Dependence

Americans depend on their automobiles way too much. I'm included in that. Every single day we plan on our car being there to use to go to work, school, events, and activities throughout the day. It takes us to far away places in less time than any other transportation around here. Even if we are a block from where we are trying to go, we still use a car to get there instead of just walking. Americans are very lazy. We depend on a lot of things, not just cars. We always want things to just be given to us instead of working for what we want which isn't right. Someone always is going to have to work in some area for greedy peole who want things their way. Automobiles give us a lot of freedom of where we want and need to go but they also make us even lazier. We tend to do things the easy way instead of the hard way which makes sense but it probably isn't always the best thing for us to do. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Should father's be given the same chance as mothers to gain custody of their children?

Mother's and father's should be given an equal Chance on getting custody of their children. The circumstances of the separation of the mom and dad should play a big role in who gets the custody, but if neither the mom or dad have done anything wrong or harmful to one another than they should get an equal chance. Some people feel that mother's should have more of a chance to have custody of the children but the dad is just as much of a part of the children as the mom. The mom may have had the children, but the dad is still the father of those children. If one of the parents is abusive then the other should get the custody. For example, when a man beats his wife or children then the mom should automatically get custody of those children. That's not always the case though. So each parent should have an equal oppertunity to have custody of their children.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I hate shopping with my grandma because she will stay in one store for two hours or more. I like shopping when I get to buy things but when I'm there while other people shop, I really don't like it. A lot of girls tend to love going shoping all the time, but I'm not one of them. I would rather do something more exciting and adventurous rather than going shopping. I'm an outdoors person and I enjoy being outside and finding things to get into. When I really want or need a certain thing from the store I will go and I don't mind that, but shopping isn't something I just love to do all the time. For prom and special occasions where you have to buy fancy dresses and such, I like doing that a lot because it's for me. That may sound kind of selfish but that's just the way I am. I have a pretty good since of style with my clothes, so I like going shopping to help my brother or sister find something cute to wear. On the other hand, going shopping for groceries and that kind of stuff doesn't really bother me at all. You usually know just about what all you want when you go grocery shopping so it doesn't take you forever to get what you need. Going clothes shopping, you don't know exactly what you're going to find and sometimes you don't know exactly what you want so it takes a lot longer and thats when I don't like shopping.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Arranged Marriages

Arranged marriages are wrong in my opinion. If your parents set you up with a person to spend the rest of your life with, you probably wouldn't be very happy. The person you marry should be the one that your very much in love with, and a person that makes you happier than anyone else ever has. They should be your "true love". I believe that once your married you need to stay with that person the rest of your life and you can't do that if your parents choose for you. Some people may think their parents know what would be best for them but really no one knows exactly what you want, except for you. Your parents may think that they know exactly what you would want in a spouce but really they probably don't. Relationships should be made out of something that you and another person feel for each other, not just because others think you would be good together. If your marriage is arranged chances are it's going to end in a divorce and your going to end up being very unhappy. If that happens then you would probably end up finding someone on your own. Before marrying someone you should make sure they are everything you've ever wanted in a spouce and someone you will never get tired of. So in my opinion, arranged marriages are not the best, but finding your true love is what you should do.  

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Public Smoking

Smoking in public areas should be illegal. Everyone doesn't smoke so everyone should not have to deal with smelling the smoke or having to see people smoke. Second hand smoke is very dangerous. If you're around someone who smokes all the time you're very likely to endure second hand smoking. This can cause you to have lung cancer and many other serious problems. It's your choice whether you choose to smoke or not but smoking should be done in private on your own time and not in any public area. Also, when a person who has recently stopped smoking sees or smells someone else smoking it could bring that urge back to them to want to start smoking again. Smoking is very disgusting and harmful to your body. It causes so many problems like bad breath, yellow teeth, and lung and throat cancers. Why would you want to do something to your body to cause you to have cancer? It doesn't make any sense. Smoking is a personal choice and no one should have to be around it if they don't want to be. So smoking needs to be done in private places and not out in the public.