Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Public Smoking

Smoking in public areas should be illegal. Everyone doesn't smoke so everyone should not have to deal with smelling the smoke or having to see people smoke. Second hand smoke is very dangerous. If you're around someone who smokes all the time you're very likely to endure second hand smoking. This can cause you to have lung cancer and many other serious problems. It's your choice whether you choose to smoke or not but smoking should be done in private on your own time and not in any public area. Also, when a person who has recently stopped smoking sees or smells someone else smoking it could bring that urge back to them to want to start smoking again. Smoking is very disgusting and harmful to your body. It causes so many problems like bad breath, yellow teeth, and lung and throat cancers. Why would you want to do something to your body to cause you to have cancer? It doesn't make any sense. Smoking is a personal choice and no one should have to be around it if they don't want to be. So smoking needs to be done in private places and not out in the public.

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