Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Automobile Dependence

Americans depend on their automobiles way too much. I'm included in that. Every single day we plan on our car being there to use to go to work, school, events, and activities throughout the day. It takes us to far away places in less time than any other transportation around here. Even if we are a block from where we are trying to go, we still use a car to get there instead of just walking. Americans are very lazy. We depend on a lot of things, not just cars. We always want things to just be given to us instead of working for what we want which isn't right. Someone always is going to have to work in some area for greedy peole who want things their way. Automobiles give us a lot of freedom of where we want and need to go but they also make us even lazier. We tend to do things the easy way instead of the hard way which makes sense but it probably isn't always the best thing for us to do. 

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